קוד קופון "מוקדמת"
הסיורים הקרובים שלנו

!בואו ללמוד על נפלאות צמחי הבר
...התחברו לטבע, תטעמו ותתמכרו
הסיור של ליקוטינה הוא סדנה בחיק הטבע שאורכה כ-4 שעות, בה אנו לומדים להכיר צמחי בר אכילים, מדברים על ערכיהם הבריאותיים,
מלקטים ומכינים יחד ארוחה נהדרת, בה אנו משלבים את הצמחים שליקטנו, טעימה, צבעונית, בריאה ומשביעה.
אנו נפגש באחת מפינות החמד בארצינו הקטנטונת, במרחב ירוק ואוויר צלול, נטייל בשדה, בשבילים, נפגוש צמחי בר אכילים/מרפאים, עצים, פרחים, נטעם מהם ונלמד אלו חלקים בהם אכילים, כיצד אוכלים אותם, כיצד משלבים אותם בארוחה שלנו, מהו הערך התזונתי/בריאותי שלהם, ואם תרצו אפילו נכין מהם ארוחה נהדרת!
מהו בעצם סיור ליקוט?

סיור ליקוט להכרת נפלאותיהם של צמחי-הבר. את הסיור תלווה סלסלת הפתעות הטעימות שלי
110 ₪סיור ליקוט להכרת נפלאותיהם של צמחי-הבר. את הסיור תלווה סלסלת הפתעות הטעימות שלי ובסופו פיקניק טעים
3 שעות
170 ₪נטייל יחד להכרת נפלאותים של צמחי-הבר ובחלק השני נכין יחד ארוחה טעימה ובריאה
3 שעות
210 ₪סיור פרטי ביער לזוג! אם זה ליום-הולדת או ליום נישואין או , סתם להתעשר בתוכן ביום נעים ביער,
10 שקלים חדשים

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בואו נתחבר לטבע...

Foraging with Jakelina
Collecting wild plants is the field in which my business leads. Its purpose is to teach people to get to know the wild plants that grow in fields, gardens, forests and roadsides, They are actually edible and have many health benefits! In our picking tours, the participants receive the added value of practical and important knowledge that changes their worldview and their view of the flora in their environment. The result is a feeling of freedom and dietary independence A feeling of abundance Awareness of the benefits of picking, among which is the use of plants from nature that are free from spraying and chemicals, organic fresh There is great pleasure in a walk in nature that also combines an experience of fascinating content and knowledge. The participants also benefit from information that saves them money because they learn to use collected plants in the kitchen without having to pay for them! They are free! The variety of flavors in their kitchen has grown! Including preparing an organic salad for example for work in the office of organic wild plants full of health values. The tour participants also enjoy the experience of preparing a colorful, healthy and delicious vegetarian meal in nature, in the forest, in the field, with a variety of new and varied flavors from the wild plants they learned to collect. The participants enjoy the experience of preparing a meal in nature with new friends or family or with friends from work who go on days of formation, and the feeling of togetherness intensifies, which contributes to the overall experience of the picking tour, especially in our online and digital age, where people crave the feeling of togetherness. The participants enjoy a vegetarian meal with a variety of new flavors, in which the wild plants they have come to know are combined, and gain confidence to use them every day in their kitchen as well. The experience of the tour intensifies when you taste the meal and realize how much abundance there is around us in the fields, without being dependent on supermarkets and feeling a sense of dietary independence, which was so lacking since the Corona period. The meal menu changes from season to season: there is a period when we eat more green leaves of the wild plants (in the rainy winter), in the spring we will eat healthy and tasty colorful flowers, in late spring we will focus on seeds, and in autumn on the ripening summer fruits. Among our delicacies: Shakshuka is combined with wild plants such as hobiza and cherts and nettles. A mixed vegetable salad with thistle, mallow and mustard leaves. Delicious spices combined with leaves in a variety of flavors and decorated with flowers The picking tours are suitable for all ages: even children enjoy the trip in nature and show great interest and knowledge in the field of edible wild plants and actively participate in the preparation of the meal. Of course, young people are also enthusiastic about discovering the secrets of wild plants in the fields and the feeling of nutritional independence from nature. Adults in their third year also enjoy the experience very much because it reminds them of childhood and freedom and freedom in nature, as well as foods from childhood when the parents prepared traditional dishes from wild plants. Especially the experience intensifies when you gather together for a joint meal outside in the fresh air. Loneliness in the third age is stronger than in younger ages and the participants really, really enjoy the shared meal they prepared together and the fascinating knowledge that can also fill them with content and leave them with a smile in their hearts, and even help them cure certain diseases.